Antilocapra americana


The pronghorn is north America's fastest mammal. It will run if it feels threatened. In mating season males butt heads, they are the ones with the horns. Once one beats the other they mate and the females can have 1 or 2 babies in a year. An average pronghorn weighs about 75-140 pounds. Their main diet is grass and other plants because they live in the grasslands.

Alligator mississippienisis

American Alligator

The American Alligator is a threatened species. They grow to be 6-15 feet long and hold the current record for the largest North American reptile. When the mother lays eggs they are a brownish speckled dirt color. She can lay as many as 20 to 70 eggs in a year but only a few survive. They eat fish, turtles, birds and small mammals. For protection against predators they blend in with their surroundings and occasionally use there teeth to bite someone or something or tails to whack the creature off its feet. They live in fresh water swamps and rivers.

Rana clamitans

Green Frog

Green frogs are 2-4 inches. They live in wetlands and streams. As a defense it blends well into the surroundings, you probably have seen one because it is common, but thought it was a leaf. Green frogs eat worms and insects. They can have more than 3,000 babies every single year. Sometimes the green frogs are called  banjo frogs because of the sound they make.